Mr. Andrew Adwin Arthur, PRINPAG President

President of the Private Newspaper and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG), Andrew Edwin Arthur, has emphasized the need for journalists to prioritize ethical reporting during the upcoming general elections.

He underscored the critical role the media plays in fostering peace, democracy, and accountability, but cautioned against the current challenges of sensationalism, politicization, and ethical lapses within the industry.

Addressing a two-day capacity-building workshop on election reporting organized by PRINPAG in collaboration with the Ministry of Information in Somanya on Friday, Lawyer Edwin Arthur acknowledged the pivotal function the media plays in holding leaders accountable.

However, he lamented that the power of traditional media is being undermined by fragmentation, greed, self-aggrandizement, and the needless politicization of the media.

The PRINPAG President warned that such trends are damaging public trust in the media and reducing patronage of private newspapers and urged journalists to return to high professional standards and avoid becoming conduits for political manipulation.

“These are not times for skewing our reportage to cause needless confusion and tensions among the general public. These are rather times we as media practitioners explain in detail the policies underpinning the manifestos of the various political parties to enable the electorates to make informed decisions,” he explained.

To address the declining standards in media practice, Arthur revealed that PRINPAG has developed a new ‘fit for purpose ‘Code of Ethics,’ which would guide members towards responsible and professional journalism.

He also mentioned that the association’s disciplinary committee would address any breaches, ensuring that members who deliberately flout media ethics face consequences.

“The leadership of PRINPAG has resolved to crack the whip against its members who will deliberately ignore the ethics of the profession and engage in reckless enterprises that may bring the image of our noble profession into disrepute,” he stated.

The media, Mr. Edwin Arthur stressed, has a key role to play in maintaining peace and stability during election periods and urged journalists to resist the temptation of using sensationalism to drive public opinion, as this could lead to chaos.

“Elections are crucial moments for every country in that they can make or break a nation. As such, we in the leadership of PRINPAG urge all our members to desist from engaging in unnecessary sensationalism that can cause trouble and tension,” he said.

The PRINPAG President extended gratitude to the Minister of Information, Fatimatu Abubakar, for her support in organizing the workshop, aimed at equipping journalists with skills to report professionally on the upcoming elections.

He expressed hope that the workshop would help journalists adopt practices that enhance their credibility and contribute positively to Ghana’s democracy.

The workshop, themed, ‘Empowering journalists for credible elections: Enhancing reporting and fact-checking skills,’ is expected to provide journalists with tools and techniques to improve their reporting ahead of the 2024 elections.