By Richmond Angel Mensah (UniMAC-IJ, Email:

Conflict, a term that resonates with discord and turmoil, often arises from differing interests, beliefs, or values. In the town of Bunkpurugu, this definition holds true as escalating violence and unrest have gripped the community, leaving residents in a state of fear and uncertainty. The roots of conflict in Bunkpurugu run deep, stemming from longstanding tensions between different ethnic and tribal groups, specifically the Konkomba-Nanumba conflict that has plagued the town for decades. In an effort to restore peace and stability, a curfew has been imposed, defined as a government-imposed restriction on the movement of people, typically during certain hours of the day or night, often in response to a crisis, emergency, or security concern.

One of the paramount historical conflicts that transpired in Bunkpurugu prior to the enforcement of the curfew was the longstanding and impactful Konkomba-Nanumba conflict. According to Dr. Cyril Kofie Daddieh, the conflict between the Konkombas and Nanumbas in Bunkpurugu dates back several decades and has been fueled by competition for fertile farmland and grazing areas. The disputes often escalated into violent clashes, resulting in loss of lives and destruction of property.

In the late 1990s, a long-standing land dispute between the Kusasi and Mamprusi ethnic groups in Bunkpurugu, North East Region, Ghana, escalated into violent clashes. The conflict began in 1999 and continued intermittently until 2004. It was sparked by a disagreement over land ownership and farming rights, which eventually took on ethnic dimensions.

The Konkomba-Nanumba conflict in Bunkpurugu was a complex and protracted struggle, with both sides committing acts of violence and retaliation. The conflict had a devastating impact on the local communities, leading to widespread displacement, economic hardship, and social upheaval.

The conflict in Bunkpurugu has its origins in longstanding tensions between different ethnic and tribal groups in the region, leading to sporadic outbreaks of violence and unrest. These conflicts have resulted in loss of lives, destruction of property, and displacement of communities, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The current escalation of violence has further exacerbated these underlying issues, creating a volatile and unstable environment in the area.

In light of the intensifying violence, the authorities in Bunkpurugu implemented various measures to try and restore peace and stability in the region. As reported by My Joy Online, one of these measures was the imposition of a curfew, announced on July 16, 2024 by the Minister for the Interior, follows a series of violent clashes and disturbances that have rocked the community in recent weeks, raising serious concerns about the safety and security of residents.

In response to the escalating violence, the regional security council has imposed a curfew from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am in Bunkpurugu and surrounding areas, requires all residents to remain indoors during the specified hours to ensure their safety and prevent further incidents of violence. Security forces, as reported by ‘’My Joy Online’’, have been deployed to patrol the streets and enforce the curfew regulations, with strict measures in place to deter any attempts to violate the restrictions.

The imposition of the curfew is part of a comprehensive strategy by the regional security council to restore peace and order in the community and prevent further escalation of the conflict. Security forces have been deployed to enforce the curfew and ensure compliance with the restrictions, with a focus on de-escalating tensions and promoting dialogue among conflicting parties.

The impact of the conflict in Bunkpurugu extends beyond the local community, posing a significant challenge to national security and stability. Akua Mensah, a local resident, paints a stark picture, stating, “We can’t even leave our homes at night for fear of being caught in the crossfire.” The streets of Bunkpurugu have become a battleground, with rival groups engaged in a deadly struggle for dominance, fueled by ethnic tensions and political manipulation. The regional security council is working in collaboration with relevant authorities, community leaders, and stakeholders to address the root causes of the violence and find sustainable solutions to the underlying issues. Efforts are being made to foster reconciliation, build trust among different groups, and create a conducive environment for peaceful coexistence.

As the curfew takes effect, residents are urged to cooperate with security forces, adhere to the regulations, and remain vigilant in the face of ongoing tensions. The regional security council remains committed to monitoring the situation closely, taking necessary actions to maintain peace and order, and working towards a lasting resolution to the conflicts in Bunkpurugu township and its environs in the North East Region.

The road ahead for Bunkpurugu is fraught with challenges, but there is hope for a brighter future. Drawing inspiration from successful conflict resolution efforts in other towns in Ghana, such as the resolution of the chieftaincy dispute in Dagbon, serves as a beacon of hope. Through dialogue, mediation, and collaboration, conflicts can be effectively resolved, paving the way for peace and reconciliation.

In addition, the international community must continue to provide support and assistance to Ghana in its efforts to promote peace and stability in Bunkpurugu and other conflict-affected areas. This includes providing humanitarian aid, supporting conflict resolution initiatives, and promoting economic development and social inclusion.

In essence, the imposition of a curfew in Bunkpurugu township is a crucial step towards restoring peace and stability in the area. The regional security council’s efforts to address the underlying issues and promote dialogue among conflicting parties are commendable. Let us hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and a brighter future for all. By coming together, engaging with stakeholders, and fostering understanding and tolerance, Bunkpurugu can overcome its current challenges and build a harmonious future for all residents. The call for peace amidst chaos is loud and clear, echoing the sentiments of a community yearning for stability and unity.


The writer is a student at the Faculty of Journalism, University of Media Arts and Communication, Institute of Journalism (UniMAC-IJ).