By Rafiatu Salifu (UniMAC-IJ, E-mail:

In the heart of Ghana’s Bono East Region lies a municipality with a rich historical past-and a monument that once stood tall as a symbol of national unity and pride.

However, the passage of time has taken its toll on this iconic landmark, leaving it in a state of neglect and disrepair. Today, I call upon the community and the nation at large to embark on a collective effort to restore Kintampo’s glory and unlock its potential as a thriving tourist attraction and an economic catalyst.

The landmark in 2019

A Forgotten Legacy: Situated in the scenic landscapes of Ghana, the Kintampo North Municipality holds a significant place in the country’s history.

It was in 1992 that the region was designated as the centre of Ghana, a recognition that led to the construction of a magnificent monument. Adorned with vibrant decorations mirroring the colours of our national flag, the monument became a powerful symbol of unity, strength, and the essence of our nation. It was a source of immense pride for the local community and a beacon of hope for future generations.

A Sorry State of Affairs: Unfortunately, as the years went by, the. monument fell victim to neglect and a lack of attention. What should have been a flourishing tourist attraction and a driver of economic growth has become a shadow of its former glory. Tourists who make their way to the municipality are met with disappointment as they are confronted with a dilapidated monument that fails to capture the true spirit and potential of our nation. This unfortunate state of affairs not only affects the immediate community but also tarnishes Ghana’s reputation as a destination for cultural exploration and heritage appreciation.

The landmark in 2024

Revitalizing the Past, Building the Future: The time has come to breathe new life into Kintampo’s iconic landmark and restore its rightful place as a symbol of national pride. The revitalization of this monument presents a unique opportunity to preserve our heritage and create a thriving attraction that will benefit the community and the nation at large. By investing in its restoration, we can attract tourists from far and wide who are eager to immerse themselves in Ghanaian history, culture, and natural beauty. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, restoring Kintampo’s glory holds immense economic potential. A vibrant tourism industry can generate employment opportunities for the local community, stimulate business growth, and boost the overall prosperity of the municipality. Additionally, the restoration project will serve as a catalyst for infrastructure development, as improved facilities and amenities will be required to accommodate the influx of visitors.

A Call to Action: The task of restoring Kintampo’s glory cannot be accomplished by a few alone it— requires the collective effort of the community, government, and concerned individuals. Partnerships with local businesses, tourism organizations, and heritage conservation groups are crucial to ensure the success of this endeavour.

Together, we can embark on a journey that will not only restore the monument to its former grandeur but also revitalize the community’s sense of pride and rekindle the spirit of heritage preservation. Kintampo’s majestic monument stands as a reminder of our nation’s history, resilience, and cultural diversity. Its restoration is not just about preserving a physical structure but also about rekindling the flame of national pride and fostering sustainable development. Let us unite in our commitment to-restoring Kintampo’s glory, turning it into thriving tourist destination that showcases the best of Ghana’s heritage and paves the way for a prosperous future.

Together, we can breathe new life into this iconic landmark and create a lasting legacy for generations to come.