The Minister for Information, Hon. Fatimatu Abubakar, has urged journalists to prioritize professionalism in their reportage as the country approaches the 2024 general elections.

In a keynote address delivered at a two-day capacity-building workshop for members of the Private Newspaper and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) on Friday, September 13, in Somanya, the Minister emphasized the importance of maintaining professionalism.

She reminded participants that, following the election, Ghana will continue to be their homeland, therefore journalists should avoid reporting stories or issues which can be affect oir democracy.

“After an election, we still need a country called Ghana. The brand and security of Ghana must be prioritized over personal or political interests,” she asserted.

Hon. Abubakar also warned against the dangers of disinformation and urged journalists to thoroughly verify facts and claims before publication, especially during the election period.

“Once misinformation starts to spiral, you may not be able to control its effects,” she cautioned.The workshop, themed “Empowering Journalists for Credible Elections: Enhancing Reporting and Fact-Checking Skills,” highlighted several pressing issues.

Mr. Andrew Edwin Arthur, President of PRINPAG, noted that media fragmentation, avarice, unnecessary politicization, prejudice, and a disregard for professional standards are undermining the media’s role.

“These negative practices have eroded the media’s standing as the Fourth Estate and led to decreased patronage, especially of private newspapers. Urgent action is needed to reverse these trends or the consequences for the industry will be dire,” Mr. Arthur warned.

He further pointed out that growing concerns about the misuse of information have made the public and officials more reluctant to share crucial details with the media.

This reluctance stems from excessive political influence in the media and a lack of respect for professional ethics.

Mr. Arthur emphasized that the current issues facing the media were the impetus for this workshop, which aims to provide reporters with the necessary tools to combat misinformation and safeguard democracy, especially in the lead-up to the December elections.