Pupils of the Kambonsiya D/A kindergarten and primary schools in the Karaga district in the northern region have appealed to government, benevolent organizations and individuals to come to their aid with teaching and learning materials.
The pupils currently sit under trees to study in the harsh weather conditions but would soon benefit from a state of the art kindergarten school block and other auxiliary facilities under the Public Community Schools Project initiative.
Mr. Musah Abdul Gafaru, head teacher for the school said the absence of teaching and learning materials makes their work ineffective and unproductive and pleaded therefore for support from benevolent institutions to intervene.
He said unlike other schools in the neighbouring communities, the pupils in the school are yet to benefit from the government free school uniform policy intervention among others.
“Because they are not used to that, when you instruct them to tell their parents to buy exercise books and pencils, it is always a problem” he lamented.
The Head teacher further proposed the introduction of the Ghana School Feeding Programme in the community to ensure the children always stay back to learn after break period.
He indicated that the pupils always run home for food and are sometimes reluctant to return until they are forced back.
Kambonsiya is a hard to reach farming community located several kilometres away from the district capital and many teenagers in the area have never had the opportunity for any form of formal education.
There is no single school structure in the community, denying children in the area their constitutional right to education.
The Head teacher called for the construction of the primary school block and teachers quarters for accommodation.
He noted that teachers are unable to travel to the community when it rains and emphasized the importance of building the teachers bungalows.