Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare, Presidential Advisor on Health

The Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare has announced that unvaccinated New Patriotic Party (NPP) delegates attending the upcoming conference will not be allowed entry.

This, according to him, forms part of efforts to ensure that all Ghanaians are vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Any delegate who is coming to the conference without having been vaccinated will not be allowed into the grounds of the conference.

“I repeat: any delegate who is coming should be vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated yet, you have today, tomorrow, Thursday, Friday to vaccinate before you go to Kumasi.

“If you don’t come with any vaccination card, the genuine one, we will check, you will not be allowed into the conference”, Dr Nsiah-Asare noted while speaking to journalists in Accra on Monday.

He said that the vaccination cards of delegates will be checked before being allowed entry into the conference arena.

The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 18 December 2021.

The government has declared the month of December as a month of vaccination against COVID-19.

This comes on the heels of the detection of a new variant called Omicron by South African scientists.

The December vaccination is, therefore, to ensure the prevention of a fourth wave.

It will target specific venues and groups.

Thus, persons who are not vaccinated will be denied entry into places such as sports stadia, restaurants, beaches among others