The Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Shani Alhassan Shaibu

The Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Shani Alhassan Shaibu, is confident that the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) will win the 2024 general elections to set a record as the first political party in Ghana to go beyond the conventional 8-years governance cycle since 1992.

He said the year 2024 is a crucial year in the history and governance of Ghana because both New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress have governed the country 16 years apiece.

“Who breaks the record? The record would be broken by any of the parties but of course the NPP’s breaking the 8 is imminent because we are the last one ending the 16years and wants to continue” he intimated.

Mr. Shani who happens to be a former Northern Regional Organizer of the NPP emphasized that, “I know what I am saying because, 2024 will be a very active year, it will be an active because you guys sitting here [that is why my appeal is], let us go over this 2024 in peace and not pieces”.

The Regional Minister made these remarks in an interaction with Journalists in Tamale during a press soiree organized by the Member of Parliament for Karaga and Minister of State at the Finance Ministry, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam also known as Anta on December 31, 2023.

“Of course, Ghana is a law abiding country and we must all know that there are laws in Ghana that will work and nobody is above the law and all of us will come under the purview of the law; we have to use the law for a very sound discuss for our country to remain as a pacesetter of governance in Africa” he admonished.

Alhaji Shani Shaibu in his remarks lamented the lack of adequate reportage on landmark government infrastructure projects such as the ongoing construction of the Tamale-Yendi, Yendi-Zabzugu-Tatale road, the progress of the agenda 111 hospitals in the region among other critical developmental projects in the area.

He further urged the media to be factual and accurate in their reportage regardless of their political preference and persuasions.

“So my brothers and sisters, do us a favor by reporting what you see accurately, work with us; it doesn’t matter whether you’re PPP, CCC or whatever, let us be very factual because that is what Ghana needs now. Ghana must grow and Ghana can only grow if we have the right information about Ghana. We can’t do our best if our own people do not own us” he stated.