Ghanaians would be choosing between Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and John Dramani Mahama on December 7, 2024

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia outshined former President John Dramani Mahama in a spirited exchange of ideas and policies at the 8th Ghana CEO Summit in Accra.

The debate, a highlight of the summit, brought together two of Ghana’s prominent political figures to discuss critical issues affecting the country’s economy and development.

Dr. Bawumia, known for his economic acumen, presented a compelling case for the current administration’s policies, emphasizing the strides made in digital transformation, financial inclusion, and infrastructural development.

He highlighted the government’s achievements in the various sectors of the economy, and the social intervention programmes that have positively impacted millions of Ghanaians.

In contrast, Mr Mahama critiqued the government’s performance, focusing on areas where he believes more progress is needed.

He raised concerns about unemployment, the rising cost of living, and what he described as the administration’s failure to effectively manage public resources.

Mr. Mahama proposed alternative strategies to address these issues, drawing on his experience as a former president.

Despite his strong arguments, many attendees and analysts felt that Bawumia’s detailed responses and data-driven approach gave him the edge in the debate.

Dr Bawumia’s ability to clearly articulate the government’s vision and achievements resonated with the audience, reinforcing his reputation as a knowledgeable and effective leader.

The debate was a key event at the Ghana CEO Summit, which brought together business leaders, policymakers, and industry experts to discuss and shape the future of Ghana’s economy.

This year’s summit focused on fostering innovation, driving sustainable growth, and building resilient institutions.

The spirited exchange between Dr Bawumia and Mr Mahama underscored the importance of robust dialogue and debate in a democratic society, providing valuable insights into the policies and visions of Ghana’s leading political figures.

Mahama switches mood

It was an interesting spectacle to behold at the CEOs’ Summit, following developments as the event was ongoing.

Organisers had arranged for the two main Presidential contenders for the 2024 presidential election, Vice President and flagbearer of the NPP, Dr. Bawumia and former President and flagbearer of the main opposition party NDC, Mr. Mahama to speak.

In view of his official trip to Canada and the USA, Vice President Bawumia could not make a live appearance but opted to participate in the event through Zoom in view of its significance.

Former President Mahama started on a spirited note, thinking he was the sole speaker as he did not know Dr. Bawumia was monitoring his presentation.

In a sudden twist to happenings, the host Jerry Adjorlolo read a text message from the Vice President, indicating that he had listened to former President Mahama and he was prepared to respond.

Mr Mahama’s mood immediately switched, and he started to fumble over what was not immediately known.

The message sent by Vice President Bawumia read as: “Jerry, please let the moderator know I have been listening from the beginning, and I’ve heard the entire submission of my brother, former President Mahama. I am poised and ready to respond to him boot for boot and ask that he sits and listens to my submission like I have done for him.”

In the ensuing melee, it was as if Mr Mahama was terrified to learn that his contender in the 2024 polls, Dr Bawumia was listening to him and feared that he could be fact-checked.

Immediately after the message was read, Mr Mahama’s high tempo presentation changed, and he started fumbling.