The Vice President and Presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party for the 2024 general elections, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has arrived in the northern region to engage with stakeholders as part of his nationwide campaign tour.

Before arriving in the Tamale metropolis Thursday morning (May 16, 2024), Dr Bawumia had already toured the North East and Savannah regions to interact with the chiefs and people of those regions.

Dr Bawumia is on a month-long nationwide tour to meet wide range of stakeholders including traditional leaders, religious groups, traders, students and ordinary Ghanaians to share his vision and bold solutions to transform the country if voted in the upcoming national elections on December 7, 2024.

As part his itinerary, Dr Bawumia is expected to hold separate breakfast meetings with Christian leaders in the northern region. He will also meet and interact with Muslims clerics at the Bagabaga College of Education.

Additionally, the Vice President will also engage the Northern Regional House of Chiefs to share his vision and message of possibilities to the traditional leaders.

He would later also meet and interact traders on some major streets in the Sagnarigu municipality and traders at the Tamale Aboabo market.

The NPP Presidential candidate will also connect with students at the University for Development Studies (UDS) to share his message with the youth.