The Vice President and Presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has reassured Ghanaians that he will not allow the practice of LGBTQI+ in Ghana when given the nod to lead the country.

He emphasized no is the answer to the practice of a man marrying a man and a woman marrying a woman in the country, adding such practice is not part of the values of the Ghanaian society.

Dr Bawumia gave the assurance in Tamale today Thursday (May 16, 2024) during a meeting with the clergy and Muslim clerics as part of his day’s campaign tour of the northern region.

“On this vex matter of LGBTQ, I want to state again without any equivocation that we will not allow it in Ghana. It is not going to be allowed, our Bible says no, our Quran says no, our people say no.”

He added: “It is not our values and I will stand firm no matter the consequences, we will safeguard our country and we will safeguard people”.