The Vice President and flagbearer of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has become the toast of ordinary Ghanaians following the commencement of his campaign for the 2024 general election.

Ecstatic citizens on the streets, markets, lorry parks and restaurants among others are mobbing the NPP flagbearer and are receiving his message of hope, integrity, transparency, accountability and overall development of the country with remarkable glee.

Dr. Bawumia started his campaign in the Eastern Region on Monday and directly connected with citizens at their doorsteps to understand their concerns and aspirations.

The house-to-house campaign strategy, according to the Director of Communications of the ‘Bawumia 2024 Campaign,’ Dennis Miracles Aboagye, is to establish a more personal connection with voters and address their specific needs.

By engaging directly with constituents, Dr. Bawumia and his team seek to build trust and garner support for the NPP’s agenda for Ghana.

Eastern Region tour

The Eastern regional tour, according to a Vice Chairman of the Bawumia 2024 Campaign, Nana Akomea, was hugely successful as the love for “Dr. Bawumia was organic.”

A similar reception was given to the NPP flagbearer when he made a brief visit to Dome-Kwabenya constituency on Tuesday as one of many stops planned across various constituencies in Ghana.

Another member of the Bawumia campaign team, Sammi Awuku, explained that the purpose of these engagements is to share Dr. Bawumia’s “message of hope and a brighter future for Ghana beyond 2024.”

He said the ongoing tour has been inspiring, with people expressing confidence in the NPP’s ability to navigate both global and local challenges while improving their living conditions.

Mr. Awuku said the campaign team intends to continue this approach, ensuring that Dr. Bawumia’s vision for the country reaches every corner and resonates with the electorate.

“This is happening and also to share his message of hope and a brighter future for the Ghanaian people beyond 2024. The tour has been awesome.

“Despite the challenges we are facing globally and locally, people are still confident that the NPP are better managers of the situation and the economy and they’re very confident that a Bawumia government will also improve their living conditions and more or less further the course of young people in the country,” Mr. Awuku added.

Dome-Kwabenya constituency

At the Atomic GOIL fuel station, in the Dome-Kwabenya constituency, Dr. Bawumia was received by party supporters before proceeding to engage with traders at the Dome market, residential neigbourhoods and other communities in the area where he outlined his agenda for the country.

Accompanied by the NPP parliamentary candidate-elect, Mike Oquaye Jnr, the Vice President received a warm reception from the community members.

Mike Oquaye Jnr took to his Facebook page to express his gratitude for the reception received during the visit.

“Bawumia and Oquaye Take Dome-Kwabenya by Storm – The Constituency Lights Up! It was an exciting day in Dome-Kwabenya as the Vice President and NPP Presidential Candidate, H.E. Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, and I visited the community.

“We toured the Dome market and residential areas and were greeted by warm smiles and enthusiastic support from community members in Dome and Taifa. It was a delightful reminder of our community’s spirit and the essential role that Dome-Kwabenya plays in our collective effort to ‘break the 8’.

“Thank you, Dome-Kwabenya, for such a warm reception. I am more motivated than ever to keep pushing for progress and ensure our constituency remains a beacon of development and opportunity. Let’s keep the momentum going strong! God bless,” Oquaye Jnr posted.

The warm reception for Dr. Bawumia continued in other parts of the country as he toured some parts of Western Region on Wednesday.