President of the Northern Regional House of Chiefs and Overlord of Dagbon, Yaa Naa Abukari II, has expressed gratitude to the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, for the good works of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia led government has done in the northern region.

He also commended the government for the prevailing peace and the monumental infrastructure projects executed in the region for the past seven years.

“Your Excellency, we feel and appreciate the impact your Government has made in the last seven years of good governance, working to improve the living conditions of our people. We value your efforts, notably the peace and monumental projects in the region.”

The Yaa Naa added: “Mention is made of a few, particularly the state-of-the-art sports stadium in our present locality, the ongoing construction of a multi-purpose sports centre for the gallant men and women of the Ghana Armed Forces, the Tamale International Airport and the interchange in our regional capital, among many others.”

The Dagbon King stated these projects have employed many youth, lessened the hardships of several families, and contributed to reducing youth unemployment in the country.

Yaa Naa Abukari II made these remarks when Dr Bawumia, the 2024 Presidential candidate called on the Regional House of Chiefs on Thursday (May 16, 2024) as part his campaign tour of the northern region.

“As custodians of the land, Your Excellency, we support the government’s initiatives to implement its development plans. On behalf of the chiefs and people of the Northern Region, I urge all Nanima and the people to accept and assist the government’s efforts and initiatives in executing ongoing and yet-to-start projects” he admonished.

Meanwhile, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, during the interaction reaffirmed his stance on the objection of LGBTQ+ or homosexual activities in the country. He emphasized no matter the consequence such practice will not be allowed into the country when he is elected President of Ghana.

“On this matter of LGBTQ+, I want to state again without any equivocation that we would not allow it in Ghana. It is not going to be allowed, our Bible says no, our Quran says no and our people say no; so no is the answer and no man will be marrying a man and no woman will be marrying a woman, it is not our values and I will stand firm no matter the consequences” he vehemently stated.