Vice President Bawumia shaking hands with residents in Kumasi

Vice President and flagbearer of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) for the 2024 general election, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has become the toast of ordinary Ghanaians, traditional authorities and other influential stakeholders in Ghana’s democratic governance due to his bold and far-reaching policy initiatives.

He started a three-day tour of the Ashanti Region on Monday and the reception has been massive in the regional capital, Kumasi, indicating the region remains the undisputed fortress of the governing NPP.

As a characteristic feature of his campaign, Dr. Bawumia met with the Clergy, Imams, Zongo Chiefs, professional groups and Chiefs, who highly commended him for his works and policies, as well as his historic visit to the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs. 

Even before the meetings, the NPP flagbearer was thrilled on Monday morning with a mammoth crowd, led by Ashanti Regional NPP Chairman, Wontumi, besieging his residence in Kumasi to officially welcome him and lead him out to start his engagements.

Vice President Bawumia shaking hands with residents in Kumasi

Dr. Bawumia started his interactions with a milling crowd welcoming him in Suame Magazine as the artisans and traders there showed their unflinching endorsement of the NPP leader and presidential candidate ahead of the December 7 polls.

Dancing to endorsement songs, amidst chants of ‘it is possible’, the artisans and traders presented a symbolic car key to Dr. Bawumia, to steer the affairs of the country after the general election.

The leader of the group said the presentation, in response to Dr. Bawumia’s famous declaration, “I am a mate so make me a driver,” is to make Bawumia the main driver.

As if the mammoth crowd at Suame Magazine was not enough, there was even a larger crowd of young people, who turned up in their numbers to cheer and listen to Dr. Bawumia, as he engaged the youth at the Jubilee Park in Kumasi.

Policy proposals

Dr. Bawumia’s policy proposals have been publicly embraced by organised groups like Chiefs, Trades Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana, Ghana Union Trades Association (GUTA), professional bodies, youth, students and artisans across the country. 

In Ashanti Region on Monday, Mamponghene Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, openly endorsed Vice President Bawumia’s digitalisation agenda describing it as a bold and transformative step for Ghana.

He praised the NPP presidential candidate for his visionary approach to leveraging technology to drive national development.

Daasebre Osei Bonsu II who highlighted several key initiatives under the digitalisation agenda, including the introduction of the Ghana Card, and the digitization of public services, noted that these efforts are already yielding positive results.

The occupant of the Silver Stool in the Ashanti Kingdom made the observation when the NPP flagbearer paid a courtesy call to the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs on Day 1 of his “Bold Solutions” tour at Manhyia in Kumasi.

“The policies you’ve touched on are in detail. These are very good and laudable, especially the digitalisation agenda which permeates through practically everything. Even babies would be born with ID cards and these new things are dear to our heart as traditional and I urge you to be bold and implement it to the latter,” Daasebre Osei Bonsu II added.

Living allowance

For his part, Dr. Bawumia announced plans to introduce “living allowances” for traditional leaders.

This initiative, according to him, is to support their roles as custodians of tradition and culture while enhancing collaborative governance efforts between traditional authorities and government institutions.

Explaining the rationale behind this proposal, Dr Bawumia emphasised the pivotal role of chieftaincy in shaping societal values.

The NPP flagbearer said it was essential to empower chiefs financially to carry out their responsibilities effectively without economic constraints.

“Today, paramount chiefs are paid GH¢1,000. It is not going anywhere; it cannot even buy enough fuel to attend meetings. My manifesto team has looked at all this and we are saying that we have to pay living allowances to paramount chiefs, and not stop there but to the divisional chiefs and the queen mothers so that we can have a complete chieftaincy institution that is empowered to help the government,” Dr Bawumia stated.

He assured that if elected president, his government would ensure chiefs are financially empowered to execute their mandates.

Dr Bawumia also proposed granting equity stakes in mineral resources to traditional leaders within their respective jurisdictions.

This, he believes, will be a major solution to tackling illegal mining activities across the country.

Dr. Bawumia said involving traditional leaders in land management in collaboration with district assemblies can deter illegal miners who exploit regulatory loopholes.

He argued that giving chiefs an equity stake will incentivize them to protect their lands from degradation and promote sustainable mining practices.

“The resource, whether it’s a gold mine or whatever, when we find gold in your area, then you have a stake in it, an equity stake. The district assembly has an equity stake. Once you have an equity stake, you will not allow the land to be misused,” Dr Bawumia said.

Meeting with Imams, Clergy

Dr. Bawumia thanked all the identifiable groups for giving him a warm welcome to the Ashanti Region.

“It was indeed a privilege and an honour meeting with all these special groups, to share with them my vision for Ghana, and also to seek their blessings and prayers, as I seek to serve our country as President, by the grace of God.

“I welcome their concerns, encouragement, and insightful suggestions, aimed at enhancing my transformational vision and policies, for the benefit of our country and citizens.

“I am immensely grateful to Nananom and all the groups for their time and inputs,” Dr. Bawumia stated on his Facebook page.