Former President John Dramani Mahama, 2024 NDC flagbearer

Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama has reiterated his promise to deliver justice for victims of the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election violence.

This comes on the back of concerns about the failure of the government to implement recommendations in the white paper of the Commission of Inquiry since 2019.

There was bloodshed during the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election following the demise of the MP Emmanuel Kwabena Kyeremateng Agyarko, who died on Wednesday, November 21, 2018.

Speaking during a visit to one of the affected persons in Fadama, Accra, John Mahama said the next NDC administration will make provisions to alleviate the plight of the victims.

He lashed out at the government for failing to take action against the perpetrators.

“We know that after Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election, a commission of inquiry was set up and the commission made some investigations and recommendations. It identified those who were responsible for what happened at Ayawaso West Wuogon and asked that they be sanctioned.

“Unfortunately, this government has refused to take any action against those who were responsible for the harm that has been caused to our brother.

“And I have assured him that when we come to power, justice will be done and whoever was involved in that unfortunate incident will be brought to book and made to face justice for what they have done to him.

“Aside from that, it also recommended that they be paid compensation for the injuries that have been caused them. As far as I know that compensation has not been paid yet.

“So, I wish to assure him that NDC is going to win the elections and when we win, the appropriate compensation that is due him will be paid, so that he can invest the money into something and make a living. We will make sure he’s paid that compensation.”