The battle lines for 2024 general election have been drawn following the overwhelming endorsement of the nomination of Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh as the running mate to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) flagbearer Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

The National Council (NC), the second highest decision-making body of the governing NPP, yesterday endorsed Dr. Opoku Prempeh affectionately called ‘Napo’ in line with Article 13 (3) (1) of the party’s constitution, which states that “The Party’s Presidential Candidate shall, in consultation with the National Council, nominate the Vice Presidential Candidate.”

Speaking immediately after the confirmation, the NPP General Secretary, Mr. Justin Kodua Frimpong, said, “I am happy to report that after the necessary consideration, the National Council of the party unanimously endorsed the Presidential Candidate’s nomination of Hon. Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Member of Parliament for Manhyia South and Energy Minister, as his Vice-Presidential Candidate pursuant to Article 13(3) of the Party Constitution.”

He said the NPP is now set to campaign across the country to win the minds and souls of Ghanaian voters ahead of the December 7, 2024 general election.

“This significant milestone marks the completion of the presidential ticket of the NPP for the 2024 general election, and therefore, sets the stage for the party to fully engage the Ghanaian electorates comprehensively with our message of transformation,” the NPP General Secretary stated. 

Collective effort

In an acceptance statement, Napo expressed gratitude to the National Council, the rank-and-file of the NPP and the ‘esteemed’ President, Nana Addo Akufo-Addo for their unwavering support and faith in him.

“I understand that the task ahead requires our collective effort, and, I therefore, plead with every party member to come on board as we seek the mandate of our countrymen and women once again to serve them.

“As I assume the role of running mate alongside my esteemed boss, H.E. Dr. Bawumia, I am committed to supporting him to prosecute a formidable 2024 campaign to break the eight-year election cycle and serve our beloved country diligently. Let us work together towards a brighter future for Ghana,” Dr. Bawumia’s running mate stated.

Fierce battle

It is now official that the governing NPP’s formidable pair of Bawumia/Napo will be squaring up with the opposition National Democratic Congress’ (NDC’s) once rejected duo of John Dramani Mahama and Prof. Naana Jane Opoku Agyeman.

The pair of former President Mahama and Prof. Naana Jane was rejected in the 2020 general election and the two are again on the NDC ticket for 2024 crucial polls.

Ghanaians, according to political watchers, will be choosing between the future of the youth and the rejected past.

Political pundits also believe strongly that the nomination of Napo will hugely galvanise the NPP faithful in the party’s stronghold of Ashanti Region to help the party ‘break the 8.’

‘Break the 8’ is a catchphrase being used by the NPP to indicate its quest to retain power through the 2024 general election and break the prevailing 8-year cycle of NDC-NPP governance.

About Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh

Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh or Napo brings a lot to the NPP presidential ticket since he is not a stranger to Ghana’s body politic.

He is a 56-year old medical doctor, a devoted Christian and a consummate politician.  

Napo is a product of Prempeh College and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, both in Kumasi, as well as the Erasmus University in The Netherlands.

It was at KNUST that he made his first appearance as a leader, after he won the position as the local National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) President, a position he held from 1991 to 1992.  

After working with the National Health Service in the United Kingdom for some time, he returned to Ghana in 2005 to pursue a career in business and more importantly in politics.

He successfully became the Member of Parliament for Manhyia in 2009.

Ahead of the 2012 general election, the constituency was divided into two, and he won the newly-created Manhyia South constituency, which he retained in 2016 and 2020. 

Passion for education

Owing to Napo’s passion for education, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo appointed him as Minister of Education during his first term.

Napo spearheaded the implementation of the famous Free Senior High School policy.

Under him, the successful implementation of the government’s flagship Free Senior High School (FSHS) policy saw the country’s SHS population leap from 800,000 in 2016 to 1.2 million by January 2021.  

It is instructive to note that Napo ensured that this policy was rolled out within the first year of the Akufo-Addo government.

According to NPP General Secretary Justin Kodua Frimpong, Napo “didn’t ask for honeymoon. I repeat, he didn’t ask for honeymoon.”

It will be recalled that at the time Dr. Opoku Prempeh announced that he was going ahead to implement the policy of President Akufo-Addo, many people, including some from civil society organizations (CSOs) and some senior members of the government thought it was too early to implement such bold and far-reaching policy.

However, typical of Napo, he showed boldness and decisiveness when it mattered most, and went on with the policy, which is by far, the biggest social intervention in the nation’s education sector since Independence in 1957.

It is obvious posterity has vindicated the former Minister for Education and President Akufo-Addo.

Ghana certainly needs leaders who are bold and decisive, because that is the only way we can achieve results. 

Tenure as Education Minister 

It is also worthy to note that throughout his four-year tenure as Minister for Education, there was significant industrial harmony and stability in the education front.

He ensured that the concerns of teachers and other players in the education sector were adequately attended to.

This therefore confirms that Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh has an incredible interpersonal and negotiation skills. 

He is arguably the only Minister of Education in this Fourth Republic to have achieved this feat.

At Energy Ministry  

Having delivered at the Ministry for Education, President Akufo-Addo appointed him during his second term to head the Ministry of Energy, where he again, demonstrated his stellar leadership qualities.

Napo worked very hard to KEEP THE LIGHTS ON, even during the times of unprecedented global economic crisis when every sector of the economy was virtually in “darkness”, gasping for breath.  

However, NPP will concede that in the last couple of weeks and months, some parts of the country did face some power challenges.

But the good news is that, unlike in the past particularly under President John Dramani Mahama, where Ghanaians slept in darkness for over four years, Dr. Prempeh ensured that the recent power challenges we experienced did not last beyond three (3) months.

He is indeed results-oriented, and there is absolutely no debate about that.  

Huge recognition

In recognition of his leadership skills, his contribution towards education in Ghana, particularly in respect of his role in the implementation of the government’s flagship Free SHS programme and other transformational policies in education, Dr. Prempeh has been honoured by the University of Education Winneba, the University of Cape Coast and the University of Professional Studies, Accra with the conferment on him with honourary doctorate degrees. 

In July 2021, he was invited to join the Mission 4.7 High-Level Advisory Group, a joint initiative of UNESCO, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Ban Ki-Moon Center for Global Citizens and the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) at Columbia University. 

Great pair  

Dr. Matthew Prempeh brings to the NPP presidential ticket, decades of political astuteness, trustworthy leadership, confidence, decisiveness, grassroots mobilization, charisma, patriotism and demonstrable incorruptibility.  

Again, Napo shares Dr. Bawumia’s vision of bold solutions for Ghana that are responsive to the needs, opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.

He complements the NPP flagbearer in many significant ways and the two enjoy a warm, personal relationship anchored on deep mutual respect. 

More importantly, the Manhyia South MP, according to NPP leaders, has a great working relationship with Dr. Bawumia.

The synergy between these two great leaders on the NPP presidential ticket, coupled with their proven track-record and transformational campaign message, according to Justin Kodua Frimpong, “would help the New Patriotic Party to secure a resounding third consecutive electoral victory on the 7th of December 2024, by the grace of God.”