The 2020 Presidential Candidate for the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Brigitte Dzogbenuku has described the National Democratic Congress (NDC) proposal of a 24-hour economy as “just a slogan.”

According to her, the focus should be on addressing fundamental issues before considering ambitious economic reforms.

Speaking on JoyNews’ AM Show on September 5, she said, “Promises and sloganeering is the bane of us. That is what has brought us to where we are. Promises and sloganeering without proper implementation is what has brought us where we are. I think it’s just a slogan. I don’t think it would make a huge difference.”

Mrs Dzogbenuku pointed out that essential areas like security, transportation, and fuel need to addressed before a 24-hour economy is considered.

“We are talking about 24-hour economy. Can we talk about security first? Can that be put in place, our transport, and our fuels, there are so many basic things that need to be put in place for this to work. So, let’s not be fuelled with sloganeering.”

Mrs Dzogbenuku also referenced the implementation of the Free Senior High School (SHS) policy as an example of how slogans and promises do not always translate into effective results.

“Free SHS, they implemented it and look at where we are with it. Let’s move away from the sloganeering to win elections. It is not the slogan that will do the work. At the end of the day, we don’t have street lights, we don’t have security and so many things,” she said.