O B Amoah Feeds 3000 people in Akuapem South on Easter...

The Member of Parliament for Akuapem South has provided resources for feeding of over 3000 vulnerable persons in the Constituency as part of...

Breaking news: US coronavirus death toll overtakes Italy

The United States of America has recorded a total death toll of 19,701, surpassing Italy's death toll of 19,468. Cases in the US topped...

COVID-19 cases in Ghana shoot up to 408, death toll now...

The confirmed cases of the novel Coronavirus in Ghana have increased to 408 as the death toll also rises to eight. This was confirmed by...

Presidential jet used to procure drug in attempt to save Prof....

Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare has disclosed that government did all it could to save the life of renowned physician Prof Jacob...

Rawlings calls on Ghanaians to adhere to lockdown directives

Former President, Jerry John Rawlings has appealed to Ghanaians to strictly adhere to restrictions imposed by lockdown and social distancing as Ghana takes measures...

Coronavirus: US death toll passes 2,000 in a single day

The US has become the first country in the world to record more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day. Figures from Johns Hopkins...

One hundred Italian doctors have died of coronavirus

One hundred Italian doctors have died after contracting coronavirus since the pandemic reached the Mediterranean country in February, Italy's FNOMCeO health association said on Thursday. "The...

Coronavirus: Apple and Google team up to contact trace Covid-19

Apple and Google are jointly developing technology to alert people if they have recently come into contact with others found to be infected with...

Smartphone Makers Ordering Parts Like There’s No Pandemic

Murata Manufacturing Co., which dominates the market for ceramic capacitors, has seen no slack in demand for smartphone parts as manufacturers carry on with...

Singapore Stops Zoom for Home-Schooling After Hacking Report

Singapore halted the use of Zoom Video Communications Inc.’s video-conferencing application for home-based school education following reports of hackers breaching some of the sessions and...