On Saturday, 3rd July, 2021, a delegation of Brothers and Sisters of the West Accra Regional Council and Court of the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall under the auspices of the Marshallan Relief Development Services (MAREDES) held its charity program at St. Gregory Catholic Hospital, Gomoa-Buduburam in the Central Region. The program was hosted by Council 109 and Court 105, New Aplaku.
The first Regional Grand Knight of the West Accra Regional Council, Worthy Bro. Dr. Henry Awuviri led the delegation. In his speech, Worthy Bro Dr. Henry Awuviri stated that the Order was informed by the need to support the hospital to serve the health needs of the inhabitants who were mostly in the lower income bracket. He stated that the choice of Health Charity was to respond to the crisis the whole world was going through as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the poor.
Worthy Bro. Samuel Zan Akologo, Supreme Advocacy and MAREDES Officer congratulated Brothers and Sisters for their continuous support in the various charity works of the Noble Order. He also gave a brief about MAREDES as an NGO arm of the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall, registered in October 2011, to ensure effective organisation of works of charity with specific focus on empowering the poor. He added that for Charity to be effective, it must be in a very organised way as it is at the centre and teachings of the Church, Caritas in Veritate.
Offering the donation, Bro Dominic Barimah, Grand Knight of Council 109 supported by Sis Joyce Oduro of the host Council and Court stated that the items included Desktop Computer, 50 Bags of Cement to support the construction of an x-ray unit, 4 Digital Sphygmomanometers (BP Apparatus), 4 Pulse Oximeters and assorted medicines worth GH ¢40,000.00. The donation was received by Dr. Joseph Bennin, Medical Director in-Charge of the Hospital and Rev. Fr. Daniel Yaw Ganu, the Chaplain, supported by Ernestina Manu, Deputy Director of Nursing Services (DDNS), Mary Brewu (HR Manager), Sis. Doctor Sophia Adomako Addo (Medical Officer) and Bro. Ben Arthur Sey (Accountant). Doctor Joseph Bennin was grateful for the love shown and assured that the gesture will go a long way in meeting the needs of the patrons of the hospital.
The medicines were sponsored by PNT Pharmacy, Pharmanova Limited, Kojach Limited, Letap Pharmaceuticals Limited, Rokmer Pharmacy and Dannex Ayrton Starwin Plc.
The delegation included Worthy Bro. Paul Enninful, IPRGK, MRL Sis. Scholastica Odum, some Regional Officers of the West Accra Regional Council and Court and Brothers and Sisters from the various component Councils and Courts.