Social media has been bustling with indirect war of words between former President John Mahama and Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko as the country inches towards the 2020 general election.

This was after Gabby jabbed Mr. Mahama for apparently finding it difficult to select a running mate for the upcoming polls.

Gabby on Facebook wrote “It must be pretty frustrating when your choice of running mate turns you flat down… especially after you have approached him personally with your offer. Uneasy lies the head that wears a thorny crown…”

Former President Mahama who did not take it kindly with Gabby minced no words and rebutted “It can become a frustrating psychosis when you are unable to correctly predict the winning ticket of your opponent”

Psychosis? / Winning ticket?? I don’t think so!

For the benefit of readers, Psychosis per Gabby’s definition on his twitter account is “A mental disorder characterised by a disconnection from reality. Psychosis may occur as a result of a psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia. In other instances, it may be caused by a health condition, medication or drug use.”

Well, word leaking out of the John Dramani Mahama camp is that he is hell bent on picking an octogenarian as his running mate.

Potential running mates who fall within the old folks category are Prof. Kwesi Botchwey, Prof Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, Dr Kwabena Duffuor and Kwesi Ahwoi.

So the psychosis Mr. Mahama alludes to is his own psychosis in his lack of decision making.

So you may ask why is Mr. Mahama pursuing this strategy?

Well, word leaking from his camp is that Mr. Mahama is sure he will not win the 2020 elections and is focusing on the 2024 election.

However, in order to achieve this delusion, Mr. Mahama needs to make sure that he does not get competition from his 2020 running mate.

Hence, picking an octogenarian will achieve this purpose as any octogenarian picked will be too old to compete with him for the 2024 flagbearership for the NDC.

This goes to confirm the accusations by the founder of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Jerry John Rawlings that some leaders within the party had already given up hope in 2020 general elections but are merely claiming it is possible while their target is the 2024 general elections.

Mr. Mahama may achieve his goal considering how delegates elect flag-bearers in the NDC primaries.

However, I cannot see how the foot soldiers (who are already complaining about Mr. Mahama’s lack of the sense of urgency in 2020) will condone such a move.

But we live to see!