Benlord Ababio, alleged soldier killer

An official information issued has indicated that the suspect involved in the killing of a soldier in connection with a land dispute at Millennium City, a suburb of Kasoa is not a National Security staff.

Preliminary police investigation has established that the suspect, Benlord Ababio allegedly shot the soldier at Millennium City Kasoa on Tuesday, 30 April 2024, at about 4:20 pm

Earlier reports suggest the suspect is a staff of National Security.

However, a statement issued by the Ministry of National Security on Wednesday, said the public should disregard such news.

“The Ministry wishes to put on record that the suspect, Benlord Ababio, who’s currently in police custody, is not a staff of the Ministry of National Security.

“The public is therefore urged to disregard any news item that portrays the suspect as a staff of the Ministry of National Security,” the statement stressed.

GAF statement

Meanwhile, the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has identified Lance Corporal (L/Cpl) Danso Michael as the soldier tragically killed in a land dispute incident at the Millennium City.

According to a statement issued by GAF, L/Cpl Danso Michael and his colleagues were investigating a land dispute at Millennium City, where L/Cpl Omar Abdul Rahman owned a half plot of land in dispute.

The Millennium City Police had instructed all parties to refrain from activities on the land until the issue was resolved.

However, during their investigation, an altercation ensued with individuals allegedly working on the disputed land.

While at the Millennium City Police Station to report the issue, L/Cpl Danso and his colleagues encountered the alleged owner of the land, accompanied by two others believed to be land guards.

A confrontation ensued during which shots were fired, tragically resulting in the death of L/Cpl Danso Michael.

The police intervened, disarmed the shooter, and made an arrest.

The deceased soldier’s body was taken to the 37 Military Hospital morgue.