The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has distributed assorted food items to a total of 800 persons with disability and the vulnerable in the Tamale metropolis in the northern region.

The gesture formed part of the humanitarian activities of the Church to put smiles on the faces of the less privileged and needy in society.

Each package contained a bag of rice, a carton of cooking oil, half of sugar, millet and gari each, a box of tin tomatoes, a box of spaghetti and frozen chicken.

Addressing the press, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, General Authority Seventy and President of the Africa West Area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint said gesture is to foster kindness and harmony within communities and among neighbors, echoing the sentiment of ‘peace, goodwill toward men’,

“This year, our focus is on emphasizing the importance of loving our neighbors.

“Annually, we come together with friends and neighbors to relieve each other’s burdens and commemorate the birth and teachings of Jesus Christ through acts of service. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints , we extend an invitation to all to join us in expressing our love for the Savior through ‘25 actionable ways in 25 days,’ offering daily suggestions to brighten the lives of God’s children” he added.

Elder Nielsen further announced Light the World 2023 campaign which will be observed in various countries and communities across the world on the theme: “Let Your Light Shine” and encouraged everyone to participate, aims to ensure that people feel acknowledged, included, and cared for.

“A daily Christmas countdown will be showcased on various media platforms, accompanied by prompts encouraging acts of kindness to illuminate someone’s world each day” he stressed.

As part of the celebration on the theme, the Church is expected to distribute food parcels to the needy within the Tamale Metropolis and its surroundings, selected by community leaders.

The Metropolitan Chief Executive of Tamale, Mr. Sule Salifu, for his part commended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the humanitarian services provided institutions and individuals and gave an assurance that the city authorities will provide the needed security throughout the period of the celebration.

He highlighted the theme of this year’s edition is rooted in the very essence of Jesus’ teachings that touch hearts and change lives by feeding the hungry, comforting the lonely, visiting the sick and afflicted, and showing kindness to everyone.

He therefore called for a peaceful coexistence among the children of God in order to promote peace and tranquility in the world.

Meanwhile, prior to the launch of the 2023 Light the World campaign, the Church visited the Nyohani Children’s home to cut sod for the construction of the boys’ dormitory and a kitchen.

A large quantity of assorted items was also donated to support the wellbeing of the orphans.

The items included 10 bags of rice, 4 gallons of cooking oil, 6 cartons of mackerel, 10 bags of sugar, 2 bags of millet, 2 bags of beans, 4 boxes of tin tomatoes, salt, 13 boxes of spaghetti and 7 boxes of frozen chicken.

In her remarks, the Supervisor of the orphanage, Madam Sarah Sulemana during the sod-cutting ceremony thanked the leadership and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint.

She indicated the readiness of management of the facility to share ideas with partners in order to enhance the wellbeing of the institution.

“The Tamale children’s home is committed to raise the quality of life of every child under our care. We want every child regardless of their vulnerability to be raised or brought up in a way that they will impact on the society and our task is to make this possible,” she posited.

For his part, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen called for a proper maintenance of the facility when it is ready for use, adding the project couldn’t have been possible without the donations from members of the church.