Management of Ghana Water Company Limited (GWLC) in Tamale has announced a temporary shutdown of their operations at the Nawuni raw water in-take point and treatment plant due to the imminent spillage of the Bagre dam from neighboring Burkina Faso.

“Management of Ghana Water Company Limited, (GWCL), Northern region, Tamale, regrets to announce for the information of the public and its cherished customers in the Tamale Metropolis and its environs that reference a communication received on the Spillage of the Bagre and Kompienga Dams, it may be compelled to Temporary Shut-Down Production for the Protection of its Equipment and Installations.”

The water level of the Kompienga Dam as at yesterday Thursday, September 1, was reportedly 234.71 metres with a rising rate of 98.40 per cent as against 92.10 per cent at the same period last year.

The Bagre Dam has also risen to 175.53 metres with a rising rate of 59.86 per cent compared to 55.24 per cent same period in 2021.

The GWCL explained the Standard Operating Procedure, the maximum level of the Intake Dam should not exceed 36 feet but as at close of work, Thursday, September 01, 2022, the level of the In-take Dam stood at 23.50 feet.

“Management would like the public and its cherished customers to understand that any operation beyond the maximum operating feet puts the Water Facility in jeopardy.”

However, the GWCL has assured the public and its cherished customers that water supply would continue once the river level is within its Standard Operating levels.

The company has also advised the public and consumers to store and conserve enough water during this period.