Education in the 21st century contributes significantly in every facet of life so as to enable economic growth and development of communities and individuals.
This has therefore made it critical to introduce deliberate educational policies for equal opportunities to access education and ensure quality teaching and learning process across Ghana.
It is in recognition of this that the United Nations of which Ghana is a member outlined the sustainable development goal 4 to and enjoins countries to ensure quality education for all by 2030.
Over the years, there has been a huge gap of educating people in urban areas and rural communities in the country primarily due to lack infrastructure such furniture, learning materials and in some instance school blocks, compromising quality of teaching to a large extent.
The Akufo-Addo led administration took the giant step with the implementation of the free Senior High School education policy in 2017 to address the cost factor undermining access to secondary education in Ghana.
It is also in view of this that, the Member of Parliament for Karaga, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam, who doubles as Deputy Minister for Energy has been investing hugely in the education sector of his constituency which is predominantly a farming community.

The lawmaker has been lobbying both state and non-state organizations to cover the infrastructure deficit of schools in the Karaga district.
Over the weekend at Nyong, Dr Adam cut the sod for the construction of a 2-storey dormitory block with funding from the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFUND) and a 4-unit workshop block with funding from RigWorld Services Ltd for the first-ever Technical and Vocational School in the area.
He also disclosed 6-unit classroom block funded by the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) on the same project site is near completion.
“It is my expectation that once these projects are completed, we will usher in the first Technical and Vocational Institute in Karaga to provide the requisite skills for the youth and help create sustainable jobs” Dr Adam stated.
The legislator announced the pledge of RigWorld to select 10 best graduating students from the Technical Institute every year to further their education in oil and gas in order to acquire job opportunities in the oil and gas industry.
“Education continues to be my priority to support the development of Karaga. I am happy that these two new schools I promised the people of Karaga will come to consolidate efforts by the Government, the chiefs and the people to develop the human capital base of the area” the Deputy Minister said.
Meanwhile, as part of his efforts, the first term New Patriotic Party Karaga MP also started the construction of a new Senior High School at Pishigu where a 12-unit 2-storey classroom block has been put up by the Ghana Gas Company.
Dr Mohammed Amin Adam last Saturday, October 16, 2022, also commissioned a fully furnished maternity block at Karaga hospital and a mechanized borehole at Nyong under Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Projects (IPEP) spearheaded by the Northern Development Authority.