Babies among 16 killed as gunmen attack maternity ward in Kabul

Gunmen stormed a maternity hospital in the western part of the Afghan capital Kabul, setting off an hours-long shoot-out with the police and killing...

Trump support ebbs as US coronavirus deaths mount:

Support for US President Donald Trump has dropped in the past month as the toll from the coronavirus has risen, according to a Reuters/Ipsos...

COVID-19: Tiyumba Hope Foundation Supports Underprivileged Widows In Northern Region

The Tiyumba Hope Foundation, a non-profit making organization operating in Northern Ghana has shared dried food items and sugar to poor widows and underprivileged...

Ghana’s COVID-19 cases rise to 5,127

Ghana’s COVID-19 cases have risen to 5,127. This is as a result of 427 new cases of which 272 are from the Obuasi township in...

Rebecca Akufo-Addo Celebrates Mothers On Mother’s Day

First Lady Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo has celebrated motherhood and the invaluable contribution of mothers in maintaining the family and in making the world a...

Mahama To Speak On £3Bn Airbus Bribery Scandal

Flagbearer of the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), former President John Dramani Mahama is said to be rolling up his sleeves to face...

Alleged Coup Plotters Granted Bail

The individuals facing trial for allegedly attempting to destabilise the state have been granted a GHS10-million bail with two sureties – each to be...

Hajia Sagito supports vulnerable groups, PWDs on Mother’s Day

The Executive Director of the Savannah Women Integrated Development Agency (SWIDA), an NGO based in the northern region, Hajia Alima Sagito Sa-eed has distributed...

Dr Anyars Supports Women In Maternity On Mother’s Day

The Chief Executive Officer for the Nation Builders Corps (NABCo), Dr Ibrahim Anyars Imoro who is also the Member of Parliament hopeful of the...

GMA Issues Red Alert On COVID-19

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) is warning of a huge repercussion if the collective fight against the Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) is allowed to wane. According to...