A new movie by award-winning Ghanaian film director, Peter Sedufia will be premiered on March 6, 2020, at the Silverbird Cinemas in the West Hills Mall and the Accra Mall.
According to Peter, the production of the movie, ‘Aloe Vera’, started after he single-handedly constructed a film village in Dabala in the Volta Region.
He says the investment, will serve as a set for colleague filmmakers, or be donated to indigenes of Dabala.
The newly constructed film village is a self-financed project with many homes and other facilities.
About ‘Aloe Vera’
A simple debate on the proverbial chicken and the egg situation creates a fierce divide among a once upon a time peaceful village.
They create a perpetual border; nothing must cross. Those who think the chicken comes first stay on one side; blue, and those in favour of the egg, stay on the other side; yellow.
As time passes two youngsters — ALOEWIN and VERALIN find love amidst this crisis but are confined. Their love cannot travel beyond their territory. They are, however, determined to make their love an exception to the rule; but, all they have to express their feelings is their windows.
Their desire to have a physical connection becomes intense that they agree to meet in the greens — the place where their border ends. On the said day they meet for the first time without restrictions. But this does not last as their parents find out about their secret meetings.
This creates a fierce battle amongst the two factions. Aloewin is locked up with no access to Veralin. Fate has one more trick to play on the couple: Veralin is pregnant. Will love defy all the odds?
The movie stars actors such as Kafui Danku, Kofi Adjorlolo, Beverly Afaglo, Ken Fiati, Nana Ama McBrown, Adjetey Anang, Salma Mumin, among others.