Tiyumba Hope Foundation, a nongovernmental organization into Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Women empowerment and education is set to hold a Regional Teens summit with both state and non-state stakeholders that bother on the growth and welfare of youth.
The discussion will cover areas such as gender based violence, early and force child marriage, sexual reproductive health rights, sexual transmitted infection, rape, teenage pregnancy and drug abuse among the youth in the northern region.
Act 732 is the primary domestic legal framework to fight issues of gender based violence; however, the phenomenon is still very pervasive in the country which underscores the importance and need for this initiative.
Executive Director of the foundation, Madam Fadila Fuseini said the conference is slated on Saturday, 10 April, 2021 in the Tamale metropolis.
In an exclusive interview, she told THE CUSTODIAN the summit would create a platform for teenagers to acquire knowledge to build their capacity with the participation of some resource persons.

One of such resource persons is a gynaecologist at the Tamale Teaching Hospital who is expected to educate the youth on sexual reproductive health rights, fistula mortality and menstrual hygiene.
Madam Fadila believes the impact COVID-19 pandemic on these issues cannot be underestimated as far as the youth in Ghana are concerned, adding however that this require the intervention of key stakeholders to share a common platform to address them.
Fadila Fuseini indicated her organization is committed to ensuring the realization of the 17 sustainable development goals, in order to eliminate or drastically reduce issues of gender based violence among others.
She mentioned that the Tiyumba Hope Foundation works on 5 out of the 17 SDGs.
The SDGs goals 3 and 5 talks about the attainment of good health and well-being and gender equality respectively among people of all member states of the United Nations by 2030.