The Paramount Chief for the Savelugu traditional area in the northern region, Yoo Naa Abdulai Yakubu Andani V has commended President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo for implementing the free senior high school social intervention policy. He said free SHS is a good policy that is helping many deprived people in the northern region.

In an interaction with the Business Development Minister, Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal who is in the region for a weeklong working visit together with the Board Chairman of Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Corporation, Mr. Prince Imoro Andani, the Yoo Naa disclosed that, just like all other public second cycles schools in the country, the implementation of the policy has necessitated the inflow of thousands of students in the Savelugu Senior High and Pong Tamale Senior Schools all within his jurisdiction.  

Consequently, the Chief noted this has brought about congestion in the dormitories and classrooms. He observed the situation is not convenient for teaching and learning. According to the Savelugu Chief, there is no policy any government would introduce without its fallouts; thereby, urging government to take the necessary steps to address the infrastructure deficit affecting the beauty of the policy.

The Chief also lauded Dr Mohammed Awal for his sterling performance at his ministry, indicating the impact of the Presidential Business Support Programmes cannot be underestimated.

Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal (left) together with Programs Manager of MoBD and MCE of Savelugu at Yoo Naa Palace

However, the Savelugu Municipal Chief Executive, Hajia Ayishetu Seidu who accompanied the entourage to the palace in a quick response, briefed the Yoo Naa on some 12 infrastructure projects that government has undertaken to complement the existing structures. She explained that, a two storey 12unit classroom block, two storey 24 rooms dormitory for girls, three unit classroom block, six separate toilet facilities for both male and female students all completed and would soon be commissioned for use.

She stated same facilities have been replicated at the Pong Tamale SHS, though not storey buildings, adding a 500 capacity girls’ dormitory facility and teachers’ bungalows have also been constructed. The MCE was hopeful that by September 2020, the Savelugu SHS would’ve exited the double track system.  

For his part, the Business Development Minister urged the Chief and people of Savelugu to give President Akufo Addo four more years to complete all policies and programmes introduced in his first term. He assured more good things are yet to come if Nana Akufo Addo is given a second term in office, admonishing the people to enhance the existing peace for economic growth.

The Minister on Wednesday visited the Overlord of Dagbon, Ndan Ya Naa Abukari II, Mionlana Abdulai Mahamadu, Diare lana Abdulai Abukari II among others with the 4more for Nana campaign message.

Voter Register

Mr. Prince Imoro Andani also urged the Yoo Naa to encourage his subjects to turnout in their numbers to register when the electoral commission opens the window to compile a new voter register ahead of the 2020 general elections. He said this would enable them to vote massively for President Nana Akufo Addo.